
Beware of icky acne

Friday, July 26, 2013

O.k. No one likes to talk about it but we all probably have experience with it, acne. Yuck! It is so gross, so embarrassing and even sometimes painful. This summer my hormones and the weather have not helped me avoid having my own battles with acne, but I do have a secret weapon. A product that isn't even advertised or sold as an acne medication but it can work miracles... It can move mountains!!! (At least the ones on your face). What is this miracle product, it is sold by BeautiControl, which is at home beauty spa company.  They sell some detox products.  One of which is their Deotxifying Clay mask. It looks scary when applied. It is grey and as it dries, it will turn white, that's where the impurities are being pulled from your skin and it really truly works.  Sometimes I use it like an acne spot treatment and just put it on the little irritation. This is probably one of the best products that I have ever found and I would highly suggest it to anyone fighting acne.
In the picture below, on the left, I have shown what the product looks like in the bottle and on the right (sorry for the grossness, but I said it worked, not that it was pretty), is a picture of how it looks after it has dried and drawn the impurities from your skin. I have left this on spots overnight and the whole mask on as long as an hour or more. The key is to allow it to dry thoroughly so it has plenty of time to work its magic.

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