
Three Military Diet: Day 1 complete

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day one of the military diet wasn't bad, but it is also the day with the most food. My biggest complaint with this diet is the tuna and do not get me wrong, I actually like tuna. But, plain tuna and 1/2 cup of it plain is a lot. I had trouble choking that down. Plus, maybe the measurement of meats is different but as far as I ever knew there are 8 oz in a cup. According to the tuna can, once you drain the water, there are only 2 ounces of meat per can, which means for day 1, I should have ate 2 cans and by day 3, I should eat four. I am guessing I skipped meat measurement conversion class and am missing something here, because that is a lot and there is no way that is happening. So, for day 1 at lunch I ate a little over half of the can of tuna and threw the rest away. As for everything else, I measured it precisely according to directions. I am trying to follow this diet as accurately as possible just out of the curiosity of whether it works or not. My mom thinks I am dumb for even trying something that makes such big claims, but the foods are healthy so I figure I am not hurting myself by trying it.
That is all for now. Guess I better go Google about precisely measuring meat.

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