
Three Day Military Diet Completed

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day three was by far the most difficult, because you are not even getting 800 calories for the day. By the end of the day, I was just blah. My overall review of the diet is this, it is o.k. and you will lose weight, but I don't think you can eat whatever you want for your four days off and actually keep any of the weight you might lose off. You need to stick to a low carb and low calorie diet even on your days off and if you want to restart with a set routine every week than use this diet, but do not expect it to live up to its huge claims. You cannot eat these foods then eat junk for four days and be 40 pounds thinner in a month. I mean I haven't even tried it for a month and I am smart enough to know that isn't so. The reason I was willing to try it was because the foods are not bad for you and I was already limiting my calories to 800-1200 per day anyway. I found an article on that explains this diet the best and remember, they aren't saying it is a bad thing, they are saying the results are not meant to last unless you take other measures to keep the weight off. Next Monday, I plan to report back on my weight loss in numbers and explain my entire week, so you can make your best assessment of whether this diet is worth trying. One thing I will say, and I will end with this, is that the breakfasts you use for days one and two are great ways to start your day any day and I would recommend them even separate from this diet.

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